Committee details

Adults Scrutiny Committee

Purpose of committee

Scrutiny is an important part of the Government's drive to ensure that the Council provides better public services.  The process is about improving services for people by being responsive to their needs.


The terms of reference of the Adult Scrutiny Committee are:-

·         to consider any Transformation Projects within its remit; and

·         to consider issues relating to the following services:-


o   Adult Mental Health

o   Mental Health Services for Older People, Mental Capacity Act / Deprivation of Liberty Safeguards, and Approved Mental Health Practitioners

o   Assessment and Reviews, Physical and Sensory Impairment, First Point of Contact, Safeguarding Adults, On-going and Complex Care and Occupational Therapy

o   Life Stages Service (26 years and above)

o   Day Services

o   Supported Living

o   Reablement

o   Learning Disability Services



Contact information

Support officer: Paul Dalton, Democratic and Elections Officer, Operations Group.