Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT. View directions
Contact: Lynne Wood, Elections Manager, Operations Group (e-mail [email protected] or telephone 01325 405803).
No. | Item |
Introductions/Attendance at Meeting. |
Timings of Meetings To consider the timings of meetings of this Cabinet for the Municipal Year 2023/24 on the dates agreed in the Calendar of Cabinet and Committee Meetings by this Cabinet at Minute C258/Feb/23 |
Declarations of Interest. |
To hear relevant representation (from Members and the General Public) on items on this Cabinet agenda. |
To approve the Minutes of meeting of this Cabinet held on Tuesday, 4 April 2023 |
Matters Referred to Cabinet There are no matters referred back for reconsideration to this meeting |
Issues Arising from Scrutiny Committee There are no issues referred back from the Scrutiny Committees to this Meeting, other than where they have been specifically consulted on an issue and their comments are included in the contents of the relevant report on this agenda. |
Key Decisions:- |
Key Decision - Annual Procurement Plan Update Report of the Group Director of Operations. Additional documents: |
Representation on Other Bodies 2023/24 Report of the Group Director of Operations. |
Report of the Group Director of Services. Additional documents:
Report of the Chief Executive. Additional documents: |
Ingenium Parc - Proposed Development of Plot 1 Report of the Chief Executive. Additional documents: |
Membership Changes - To consider any Membership Changes to Other Bodies to which Cabinet appoints. |
SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM(S) (if any) which in the opinion of the Chair of this Committee are of an urgent nature and can be discussed at this meeting. |
Questions. |
To consider the exclusion of the Public and Press :- RESOLVED
- That, pursuant to Sections 100A(4) and (5) of the
Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting
during the consideration of the ensuing items on the grounds that
they involve the likely disclosure of exempt
information as defined in exclusion paragraph 3 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the
Act. |