Venue: Committee Room No. 2, Town Hall, Darlington. DL1 5QT
Contact: Shirley Burton, Democratic Manager, Resources Group E-Mail: [email protected] or telephone 01325 405998
No. | Item |
Declarations of Interest Minutes: |
To approve the Minutes of the meeting of this Committee held on 17 October, 2018 Minutes: |
Additional documents:
Minutes: |
Tree Preservation (No. 6) Order 2018 - 1 Church Close, Middleton St George Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services Additional documents: Minutes: |
Notification of Appeals - The Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services will report that :-
Ms Sharon Pearson-Turner has appealed against this
Authority’s decision to refuse consent for works to tree
protected under Tree Preservation Order (No.9) Order 2008 –
Felling of 1 No. Maple Tree (T2) at 10 Edinburgh Drive, Darlington
Mr David Jowett has appealed against this
Authority’s non-determination for works to tree protected
under Area Tree Preservation Order (no. 3) 1962 (A1) – Crown
lift 1 No. Common Lime (Tilla x
europaea) to up to 6m above ground
level (suitable growthpoints) over No.
7 and No. 9 Compton Grove and reduction of branch plus tips to give
3.5 m height clearance over Staindrop
Road (suitable growth points) at 7 Compton Grove, Darlington
(18/00671/TF); and (c) Gladman Developments Ltd have appealed against this Authority’s non-determination for outline application for the erection of us to 280 dwellings, 60 bed care home (Use Class C2) with community park and public open space, landscaping and sustainable drainage system (SuDS). All matters reserved except for 2 No. means of access points to be provided from Neasham road (Revised Transport Assessment received 17 September 2018) at land off Neasham Road, Middleton St George, Darlington (18/00275/OUT).
RECOMMENDED – That the report be received. Minutes: |
To consider the Exclusion of the Public and Press RECOMMENDED - That, pursuant to Sections 100B(5) of the Local Government Act 1972, the public be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of the ensuing item on the grounds that it involves the likely disclosure of exempt information as defined in exclusion paragraph 7 of Part I of Schedule 12A of the Act Minutes: |
Complaints Received and Being Considered Under the Council's Approved Code of Practice as of 31 October 2018 (Exclusion Paragraph No. 7) Report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services Minutes: |