Agenda and minutes

Adults Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 25th August, 2020 10.00 am

Venue: via Microsoft Teams

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest reported at the meeting.


To Approve the Minutes of the Meetings of this Scrutiny Committee held on 30 June 2020 and 14 July 2020 pdf icon PDF 289 KB

Additional documents:


Submitted – The Minutes (previously circulated) of the meetings of this Scrutiny Committee held on 30 June and 14 July 2020.


RESOLVED – (a) That Minute AD8/July/2020 be amended to note that, whilst there had been no increase in cases of domestic violence reported during the period outlined within the report, the severity in reported cases had increased.


(b) That, pursuant to the above amendment, the Minutes of the meetings of this Scrutiny Committee held on 30 June and 14 July 2020, be approved as correct records.


Adult Social Care Transformation Programme pdf icon PDF 444 KB

Report of the Director of Children and Adults Services


The Director of Children and Adults submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Members on the progress of the Adults Social Care Transformation Programme, which was last reported to this Committee in October 2019.


The submitted report stated that the Care Act provided the context to review and implement a new operating model for Adult Social Care services to support the delivery of good quality services at a sustainable cost, and that the Transformation Programme was enabling the delivery of modern services which are Care Act compliant, and work in partnership with people to maximise their individual strengths and assets.


The submitted report highlighted that this was rolling programme, and that there were currently 18 projects in progress.


Members noted that the on-line Financial Assessment tool was in operation and had received good feedback, and were pleased to learn that that those residents in receipt of a personal budget to facilitate their own care had received additional advice throughout the Covid-19 pandemic. Concern was expressed about the shift to on-line delivery, with Members noting that not all residents had access, or the skills to access, on-line systems, however Members were reassured that face-to-face and telephone options were also still available. Further discussion ensued on the promotion of on-line accessibility, information and tools.


Members received assurances that impending staffing changes would not have an impact on the delivery of the Transformation Programme.


It was noted that a list of business improvement projects were waiting to commence once appropriate resources were released to deliver them, and Members were keen to learn what was required to facilitate the release of the resources necessary to deliver these projects.  


RESOLVED – That the progress on plans to transform Adult Social Care be noted.


Performance Indicators Quarter 4 2019/20 pdf icon PDF 641 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Adult Services

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director – Adults Services submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with performance data against Key Performance Indicators for 2019/20 at Quarter 4.


The submitted report outlined performance information in line with an indicator set and Scrutiny Committee distribution agreed by the Monitoring and Coordination Group on 4 June 2018, and subsequently agreed by Scrutiny Committee Chairs.

The submitted report stated that the indicators were aligned with key priorities and the majority are used to monitor the Corporate Plan. It was stated that other indicators may be referenced when appropriate in narrative provided by the relevant Assistant Directors, when providing the Committee with performance updates. Twelve indicators were reported to this Committee, ten on a six monthly basis and two annually.


It was reported that of the ten indicators reported at six months, six of the indicators showed performance better than at this time last year, one indicator showed performance was not as good as at this time last year, yet was still continuing to be monitored and managed, and that three indicators were not comparable, as were reviewed at a point in time.

Members entered into discussion on the report, noting that demand for services had fallen during the Covid pandemic and the increased number of Safeguarding Strategy meetings as a result of greater reporting and awareness. Concerns were expressed about the potential for ‘long Covid’ in individuals in the 20s and 30s.


RESOLVED – That the performance information provided within the submitted report be noted.


Work Programme pdf icon PDF 271 KB

Report of the Managing Director

Additional documents:


The Managing Director submitted a report requesting that Members gave consideration to the Work Programme items scheduled to be considered by this Scrutiny Committee during 2020/21, and to any additional areas that Members would like to be included.


Members were reminded that the appropriate manner for adding items to the agreed Work Programme was the completion of a Quad of Aims.


RESOLVED – That the current status of the Work Programme be noted.