Agenda and minutes

Adults Scrutiny Committee - Tuesday, 23rd August, 2022 9.30 am

Venue: Council Chamber, Town Hall, Darlington DL1 5QT. View directions

Contact: Paul Dalton, Elections Officer, Operations Group 

No. Item


Declarations of Interest


There were no declarations of interest reported at the meeting.


To Approve the Minutes of the Meeting of this Scrutiny Committee held on 21 June 2022 pdf icon PDF 64 KB


RESOLVED – That the Minutes of this Committee held on 21 June 2022, be approved as a correct record.


Adult Social Care ("People At The Heart of Social Care") Reform Programme and Fair Cost of Care Exercises pdf icon PDF 330 KB

Presentation of the Assistant Director – Adult Services


The Assistant Director Adults Services provided Members with a presentation on the Adult Social Care Reform Programme and the Fair Cost of Care Exercises.


In doing so, the Assistant Director Adults Services highlighted the key points of the Health and Care Act 2022, namely the Return of CQC assessment of council adults services, Secretary of state default powers in relation to Adult Social Care, Integrated care boards and integrated care partnerships, Mandatory learning disability and autism training, ad professional regulation.


The Assistant Director Adults Services outlined the key elements in terms of an Adult Social Care perspective, which included charging reform requirements, fair cost of care – market capacity and sustainability, the CQC Assurance Framework and Integrated Care Partnerships.


Members entered into discussion on the comparison between the fees paid by the Council and those paid by a self-funder; the scope of payments; how providers will adapt to the new regulation; the preparedness of Adult Social Care teams for inspection; whether the rate paid was reflective of inspection outcomes; and the provision of an easy-to-use crib sheet to direct new service users.


Discussion further ensued on whether the national funding for the reforms would cover the additional costs; the removal of the fine for delayed discharge; the recognition that there will be challenges, and that working in partnership will be beneficial; the linkages between staff retention and the rate of pay, and the influence local authorities can exert; and the support for prevention activities.  


RESOLVED – That the content of the presentation be noted.


Performance Indicators End of Year Report 2021-22 pdf icon PDF 72 KB

Report of the Assistant Director – Adult Services

Additional documents:


The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with performance data against Key Performance Indicators for 2021/22 at Quarter 4.


The submitted report outlined performance information in line with an indicator set and Scrutiny Committee distribution agreed by the Monitoring and Coordination Group on 4 June 2018, and subsequently agreed by Scrutiny Committee Chairs. It was stated that the indicators were aligned with key priorities. Twelve indicators were reported to this Committee, ten on a six monthly basis and two annually.


It was reported that, of the ten indicators reported at six months, two of the indicators showed performance better than at this time last year,  four indicators showed performance which had slightly reduced from this time last year, yet was still continuing to be monitored and managed, one indicator showed performance that was the same as at this time last year, and that three indicators were not comparable, as were reviewed at a point in time. No surveys were completed in relation to the two indicators reported on an annual basis due to the ongoing Covid pandemic.

Members entered into discussion on the report including the format in which information was presented, the rise in residential numbers following Covid and the impact of Covid on other indicators, and the potential to scrutinise budgets.


RESOLVED – That the performance information provided within the submitted report be reviewed and noted.



Work Programme pdf icon PDF 90 KB

Report of the Assistant Director Law and Governance

Additional documents:


The Assistant Director Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that Members gave consideration to the Work Programme items scheduled to be considered by this Scrutiny Committee during 2022/23, and to any additional areas that Members would like to be included.


IT WAS AGREED – That the content of the report be noted.