23/00367/FUL - Application submitted under Section 73 of the Town & Country Planning Act 1990 for the variation of condition 2 (opening hours) and 4 (outdoor seating), and removal of condition 6 (no. of covers) attached to planning permission 21/00922/FUL dated 29 Oct 2021 to permit a change in opening hours on Thurs, Fri and Sat from 8am-6pm to 8am-9pm to allow up to 2 late openings per month, to allow the installation of 4 no. picnic benches in front forecourt with alterations to car-parking and to permit an increase in the number of covers from 20 to 30 (description amended following receipt of amended application form and supporting statement on 20th June 2023).
(In considering the application, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), the views of the Environmental Health Officer and the Council’s Highway Engineer, 40 letters of objection received, 22 letters of support received, a further 18 letters of objection to the subsequently amended proposal, and one letter of representation in support of the amended proposal, the views of Middleton St. George Parish Council, and the views of the Applicant, three Objectors, two Supporters and a Ward Councillor, whom the Committee heard).
Members considered the application and discussed the concerns raised in relation to the increase in covers and the resultant car-parking issues, and weighed these concerns up against similar businesses within the village.
RESOLVED – That consideration of the Application be deferred to a future meeting of this Committee (6 September 2023).
(NOTE: During the course of discussion a vote was taken on whether Planning Permission should be refused, in line with the Officer recommendation, however this was lost, and a Motion to defer the application to a future meeting was agreed, in order to allow for appropriate conditions to be drafted and presented to Members and for the matter to be considered at that time and a decision to be made).
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