Agenda item

Pain Management

Presentation of NHS Darlington CCG


Katie McLeod, Head of Commissioning and Strategy, NHS Darlington CCG gave a presentation to update Members on the procurement of new Persistent Pain Services.


The presentation outlined the rationale for the change due to the lack of equity of service across Durham and Darlington with the previous model and the high wait times for access to pain psychology and the high level of opioid prescribing; and described the new Biopsychosocial model which adopts a holistic approach to the management of pain and a tiered approach to the provision of care based on the level of intensity of pain.


The presentation also outlined what had changed including a single point of access which had received positive feedback from patients and general practitioners; and included the expected outcomes from a survey of the service.


It was acknowledged that there had been some initial teething problems which had now been recognised and addressed and performance reporting was in place.


Members discussed the Tier 3 services based at the Darlington Memorial Hospital and the Tier 1 and 2 services provided within the community; the emergence of more referral of patients from  general practitioners; and the recognition of the psychological impact on pain management rather than focussing solely on relieving the physical aspects of their pain


Members welcomed the service and recognised the importance of an alternative service away from the general practitioners for the management of pain.


RESOLVED – That the thanks of this Scrutiny Committee be extended to the Head of Commissioning and Strategy for her informative presentation.