Agenda item

Annual Report of the Director of Public Health - Living in Darlington and Responding to the Pandemic 2022/2023

Report of the Interim Director of Public Health


The Interim Director of Public Health submitted a report (previously circulated) sharing the Director of Public Health Annual Report for 2022/23 with Members and wider stakeholders. A copy of the report will be available on the Council website shortly following this meeting.


It was reported that the Annual Report has a particular focus on how some of the community responded to the COVID 19 pandemic and how they see their future; and that the Annual Report is the last report of Penny Spring as Director of Public Health due to her retirement in June 2023.


The submitted report stated that it is a requirement of the Director of Public Health under the 2006 NHS Act to produce an annual report; the subject of the annual report for 2022/23 is how young people, families and staff in Darlington responded to the pandemic and how it affected their lives; and the report is presented in a video format produced with students from Darlington College, using the testimony of individual young people, families and staff.


No notable discussion or questions were fielded following the Interim Director of Public Health’s delivery.


RESOLVED – (a) That the Annual Report of the Director of Public Health 2022/23 be received by the Health and Wellbeing Board


(b) That the testimony of the impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on lived experience be noted.


(c) That the legacy and ongoing impact of the pandemic on local people living and

working in Darlington be noted.


REASONS – (a) The Health and Social Care Act 2012, sets out a requirement for all Directors of Public Health to produce an annual independent report on the health of their local population and for their local authority to publish it.


(b) The annual report raises awareness of specific health issues in Darlington.


(c) The annual report highlights areas of specific concern, and makes recommendations for change for all partners and stakeholders.

Supporting documents: