Agenda item

NHS Five Year Joint Forward Plan Update

Presentation by Director of Place, Darlington – North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board


The Director of Place (Darlington), North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board gave a presentation updating the Board on the NHS Five Year Joint Forward Plan (JFP).


The presentation outlined the national guidance for the JFP covering 2023/24 to 2028/29 which would be reviewed, updated and republished every March;  reference was made to the JFP and how this fit with the ICP Strategy and NHS Operating Plan; and reference was made to the operational planning requirements.


Details were provided of the Tees Valley priorities; a number of key pillars had been identified, which support the delivery of the organisational, place and system plans; and these pillars had been aligned to the core elements of the collective Health and Wellbeing Strategies, Start Well, Live Well and Age Well. Members were provided with details of the work being undertaken in respect of these core elements; and reference was made to the cross cutting themes.


Members noted the stakeholder engagement and associated deadlines for the JFP.


Discussion ensued with board members requesting a list of meanings for the various initialisms and acronyms used in the presentation.  Secondary School colleague expressed the opinions that the goals presented were not presenting clear trackable goals and it was agreed that Director of Place, Darlington would share relevant details after the meeting.

It was also highlighted that union representation would be valuable in order to speak on staff issues and it was confirmed that workshops are being set up to handle this.


RESOLVED –That the thanks of the Board be conveyed to the Director of Place (Darlington), North East and North Cumbria Integrated Care Board for his informative presentation.


REASON – To convey the views of the Board.


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