Agenda item

Better Care Fund 2023/25 Programme

Report of the Assistant Director – Commissioning, Performance and Transformation


The Assistant Director Commissioning, Performance and Transformation submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the submission of the Darlington Better Care Fund Plan for the 2023/25 Programme and providing an update on the next steps across the Programme.


It was reported that the use of the Better Care Fund (BCF) mandatory funding streams and Disabled Facilities Grant must be jointly agreed by Integrated Care Boards and local authorities; they must reflect local health and care priorities; and plans must be signed off by Health and Wellbeing Board.


Reference was made to the Government’s priorities for 2023-25 as set out in the BCF Policy Framework and the vision of the BCF; and that the vision was underpinned by two core BCF objectives, Enable people to stay well, safe and independent at home for longer and Provide the right care in the right place at the right time.


Details were provided of the four national conditions for funding; the five key metrics; and the funding for the 23/25 programme, including Discharge Funding was outlined. It was reported that the funding package for 2023/25 was not new monies and were allocated against the ASC budgets.


Members were informed that following endorsement by the Programme Board, the Plan for Darlington was submitted to the BCF national team on 28 June and that feedback was currently awaited.


It was reported that a service review was underway across all programme funded schemes with the findings due to be reported to the Pooled Budget Partnership Board in October.


Discussion ensued regarding how the patient and carer voice is included in plans with assurances given that the plans are built around public engagement and involvement. 

Further discussion was held regarding young carers and the lack of a young carers group for schools to signpost to, members representing colleges and university confirming this.


RESOLVED – (a) That the submission of the Darlington 23/25 Plan and expected dates of approval letters being issued be noted.


(b) That the programme review be noted, and a report to be tabled at future meetings, detailing the outcome of the review.


REASONS – (a) The 2023/25 Plan has been endorsed by the Pooled Budget Partnership as part of the agreed governance arrangements.


(b) Following completion of the review a report of the findings will be available.


Supporting documents: