Agenda item

Terms of Reference

Report of the Assistant Director Law and Governance


The Assistant Director Law and Governance submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that Members give consideration to amendments to the Terms of Reference for the Health and Wellbeing Board (also previously circulated).


It was reported that the terms of reference for the Board were last considered and approved at its meeting held on 7 July 2022; and a number of minor amendments have been made to the membership of the Board.


No notable discussion or questions were lodged following presentation of this item.


RESOLVED  (a) the Terms of Reference be approved, with the inclusion of the following amendments :-


(i)                  the deletion of the Darlington Borough Council Portfolio Holder with a remit covering Adult Services from the Membership of the Board;

(ii)                the deletion of the Darlington Borough Council Portfolio Holder with a remit covering Children Services from the Membership of the Board;

(iii)              the addition of Conservative Group Member to the Membership of the Board; and

(iv)              the addition of Green Group Member to the Membership of the Board



(b) That the revised Terms of Reference be included within this Council’s Constitution.



REASONS – (a) To enable the Terms of Reference to be updated with a number or minor changes.


(b) To enable the Board to consider any further amendments to the Terms of Reference, as necessary.


Supporting documents: