Report of the Group Director of People
The Group Director of People submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an update on the Children and Young People Public Health interventions and programs.
The submitted report provided an overview on the Healthy Lifestyles Survey 2023, the Childhood Healthy Weight Plan and the 0-19 Service. It was reported that the Healthy Lifestyles Survey 2023 had been delivered for 14 years with a total of over 8500 pupils across 33 schools completing the survey annually. The topic areas covered by the Survey were outlined, and the submitted report stated that work had been undertaken to conduct a pilot of the Healthy Lifestyle Survey in the town’s Further Education settings and sixth forms.
The submitted report outlined the overall objectives of the Darlington Childhood Healthy Weight Plan, and the progress made against these objectives. It was noted that the Darlington Childhood Healthy Weight Plan was in its final year and that work had commenced to evaluate the learning from this plan and the approach and apply this to developing a whole systems approach to the population for the Borough.
The performance of the 0-19 Service provided by Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust was reported on, with Members advised that the service achieved well against the statutory and contract performance targets. It was reported that the service had introduced new interventions, which included new ante natal virtual sessions, training for staff and peer supporters and more collaborative working with Family Centres; had successfully achieved accreditation for the UNICEF Gold Baby Friendly Award; and had enhanced and improved its digital offer.
The submitted report provided a summary of the Child Health Profile for Darlington, which demonstrated a mixed picture, with some key indicators being worse when compared to national figures, and others being better or similar to the national figures.
Members enquired as to whether they could receive a sample of the Healthy Lifestyles Survey and an overview of the questions asked, and were interested to know whether children and young people had a role in preparing the survey questions. Members were interested to know if the use of food banks was covered as part of the Darlington Childhood Healthy Weight Plan.
Discussion ensued on the compilation of the obesity statistics, the perceived lack of exercise in schools, the provision of practical classes, such as sewing, cookery, etc., and the activities undertaken at the ‘family hubs’, and the insight provided to schools in relation to beliefs and actions of children and young people.
RESOLVED – That the content of the report be noted.
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