Agenda item

Housing Services Climate Change Strategy 2024-29

Report of the Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues


The Programmes & Performance Manager - Housing and Revenues delivered a presentation on Housing Services Climate Change Strategy 2024-29 to be considered before approval by Cabinet on 9 January 2024 with progress of the strategy to be reviewed on an annual basis.


We were provided with information in support of the Government’s target of achieving net zero carbon by 2050 including the challenges faced by Housing staff and the strategies in place to handle these and to meet the Government targets of achieving an Energy Performance Certificate (EPC) rating of C for all our council homes by 2030.

Members received an explanation of the “Fabric First” approach being utilised, in which the service’s goal is to maximise efficiency in the use of all materials (e.g., insulation, windows and doors) in carrying out works on council properties with the average spend on each property between £26,707 to £31,410.


It was reported that positive progress is being made overall and that the benefits to residents include better quality insulation resulting in shorter periods with heating on and double-glazing keeping heat in resulting in positive feedback from tenants.


Members asked questions including enquiring as to the longevity and practicality of external insulation for which officers confirmed that external wall insulation has a thirty-year lifespan however owners must avoid drilling through or otherwise breaking through panels.

We also asked as to whether home ventilation work is carried out alongside other work, and it was confirmed that certain ventilation work is carried out before or at the same time as carrying out other upgrades.  A further question related to whether solar panels are installed on new-builds and if not does this affect costs if installed later.  Officers answered that solar panels are not included on new-builds by default due to their higher energy efficiency however costs for installation remain similar if installed during or after building.


Discussions were held confirming the length of provider contracts at twenty years.  And further points including the effect of the strategy on the capital programme for which officers confirmed that increased internal climate change spend can enable application for greater grants.


RESOLVED - Members acknowledged the quality of presentation and information provided and support the report’s onward submission to cabinet and to review progress on an annual basis.


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