Agenda item

Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy Update

Report of the Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues


The Assistant Director - Housing and Revenues attended and presented the proposed update to this strategy that was previously approved by Cabinet in July 2019 with an update provided to this Scrutiny Committee in December 2022.  Members were informed that all actions in the current strategy have been completed and the development of a fresh strategy is now proposed with the considerations now present in the post-COVID period.


The production of the updated strategy is intended to help manage an increase in demand for services to prevent rough sleeping.  A major contributor to this was the lifting of the ban on no-fault evictions following the COVID period. 


It was reported that a main ongoing challenge is sourcing accommodation for those with complex needs and those who have lost previous accommodation due to their own behaviour.  With further challenges including the increase in presentations and demand for emergency accommodation has meant that services have had to be more reactive to ensure that no-one is left homeless or having to rough sleep.


It was highlighted that a key project for the strategy is to create a scoping document in order to present key pressures and to develop themes for work moving forward.  It is also important to establish who will be involved in the production of the strategy and it is proposed that this is at least comprised of a blend of council departments, voluntary sector and social housing providers.


Discussions included members highlighting the importance of working with partners in the production of the strategy with a member highlighting that those involved in hospital and prison discharges would have insight that may be valuable in the production of the strategy.  The quality of accommodation provided was also discussed with a consensus that secure and good standards of accommodation play an important role in maintaining the health and wellbeing of those housed and in order to break the cycle of individuals repeatedly presenting as homeless.


A further discussion was held with regards to individuals with military service presenting as homeless.  Officers confirmed that those who have served are a priority and that efforts are made to identify these individuals, it was also clarified that such people can be directed to the Town Hall to speak to Housing Options staff.


Questions included the most common circumstances for presentations and officers confirmed that there are always a number of transient presentations but also that Darlington residents may present as homeless as current accommodation arrangements break down alongside more individuals coming through the asylum service which is showing an increase for all authorities in the North East with a member also adding that those being released from prison are also a common source for presentations.


A member queried what the most common accommodation required is and if there is scope for housing families.  It was confirmed that most accommodation is 1 or 2 bedroom as this is the most common requirement however larger properties are currently under construction at the Neasham Road development but that turnover for families is generally a lot lower than that of individuals.


RESOLVED – Members considered the content of the report and agreed to the development of a new Preventing Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Strategy for 2025-30.

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