Agenda item

Community Mental Health Transformation

Report of the Associate Director of Partnerships and Strategy - Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust


The Associate Director of Partnerships and Strategy - Tees, Esk and Wear Valleys NHS Foundation Trust provided a presentation to highlight the core aims of community transformation, the current vision for the future alongside projected impact of care and an update on the recently opened Darlington Connect outlet in Darlington town centre.


Members expressed the notable progress of the service, in particular praising the increased access to talking therapies for residents and the reduction in waiting times from 6 months to 28 days.


Discussion was held as to whether the Darlington Connect outlet could be better publicised with confirmation that a celebration event is being planned along with press releases and members suggested that promotion in Council publications would also be useful.  Further points included members of the public presenting at Darlington Connect with unrelated issues with confirmation provided that such individuals are signposted to the correct services.


RESOLVED - Members noted the content of the report, the positive work being undertaken and look forward to a further update in 12 months.

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