Report of the Assistant Director Childrens Services
The Assistant Director, Children’s Services, submitted a report (previously circulated) to provide Members with an update on performance against key performance indicators.
The submitted report provided performance information for the period April 2022 to March 2023, in line with an indicator set agreed by the Monitoring and Coordination Group on 2 July 2018, and subsequently by Scrutiny Committee Chairs. The submitted report highlighted those areas where the Council were performing well, and identified those areas where improvement was required.
Members enquired about the changes to the ‘front door’ function; the increase in Early Help Assessments (EHAs); the measures in place to safeguard those who were victims of domestic abuse and coercive control; the definition of suitable accommodation for Care Leavers; the recording of missing episodes, and whether there was a greater need for individualised assessments.
Discussion ensued on recruitment and retention, and whether the service was adequately resourced, with Members also keen to understand more around the support available for Social Workers and the Council’s Fostering Teams. Members were also interested in the reasons for the recent success in terms of recruitment.
RESOLVED – That the performance information provided be noted.
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