Agenda item

Objection to Tree Preservation Order Number 2023 No. 04 YMCA, Middleton Court, Middleton Road, Darlington, DL1 1SL

Report of the Chief Executive


The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise Members that an objection had been received in respect of Tree Preservation Order Number 2023 No. 04, and that the objection related an Order which covered one early/mature Sycamore Tree, which was growing close to the northern boundary of the site at the YMCA, Middleton Court, Middleton Road, Darlington, DL1 1SL.


The submitted report stated that Tree Preservation Order Number 2023 No. 04 was made on 14 April 2023, and protected one early/mature Sycamore Tree growing along the northern boundary of the YMCA, Middleton Court, Middleton Road, Darlington, under powers derived from Section 198(1) of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990. It was highlighted that the Tree Preservation Order was made due to the possibility that the tree might be removed if not protected.


Members were informed that the Local Planning Authority considered it expedient to protect the tree by the making of a Tree Preservation Order due to its reasonable form and condition, as it was visible from a public place and contributed significantly to the visual amenity of the surrounding residential area.


(In making its decision the Committee took into consideration the Chief Executive’s report, an objection received from the Chief Executive Officer of Tees Valley YMCA, the response of the Council’s Senior Arboricultural Officer, and the further views of the Chief Executive Officer of the YMCA, whom the Committee heard).


RESOLVED – That the Tree Preservation Order not be confirmed.


REASON – That, in the view of the Committee, the tree had no intrinsic beauty; did not add to the amenity of the area; and its removal would not have any significant impact on the local environment.


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