Agenda item

Land at Central Park – Sale to Network Rail

Report of the Chief Executive.


The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report of the Chief Executive (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to disposing of 990 square metres (0.245 acres) of land at Central Park, Darlington, as shown hatched on the plan (also previously circulated) to Network Rail.


The submitted report stated that as a consequence of the Darlington Railway Station Improvement Scheme and to accommodate new platforms at the station, Network Rail needed to relocate a storage area and freight loop to the north of the station and in order to facilitate this they needed to acquire a strip of land from the Council along the edge of the Central Park.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the sale of 990 square metres (0.245 acres) of land at Central Park, Darlington, as shown on the plan appended to the submitted report, to Network Rail, be approved, at a price of £60,000, plus VAT, legal and surveyors costs.


(b)  That the Assistant Director Law and Governance be authorised to document the sale accordingly.


REASONS – (a)  To accommodate the Darlington Station Improvement Scheme.


(b)  To achieve a capital receipt for the Council.


(c)  To support economic growth.

Supporting documents: