Agenda item

Darlington Health and Wellbeing Plan

Report of the Director of Public Health


The interim Director of Public Health outlined the purpose and tasks involved in formulating the Darlington Health and Wellbeing Plan.


It was highlighted that an update to the Joint Strategic Needs Assessment (JSNA) is currently in progress for which a demonstration of the web-based JSNA will be presented to members at the March 14 2024 meeting.

The interim Director of Public Health went on to outline the purpose of the Health and Wellbeing Board members’ workshop, arranged to take place 14 December 2023, which is to develop the framework and agree strategic objectives of the Darlington Health and Wellbeing Plan 2023-2027.  Members were encouraged to work together in order to develop the plan with an emphasis on avoiding duplicating work already present in other workstreams and identifying any gaps in the plan that should be included moving forward.


RESOLVED – That the approach and points raised by the interim Director of Public Health be noted by the board.


REASON – Members in agreement of the above for the effective formulation of the Darlington Health and Wellbeing Plan.

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