Agenda item

Stronger Communities Fund

Report of the Stronger Communities Portfolio Holder


The Member with Portfolio for Stronger Communities submitted a report (previously circulated) providing Members with information on the spend and use of the Stronger Communities Fund to date, and invited consideration as to whether the scheme should continue in the following financial year.


The submitted report stated that Cabinet, at its meeting held on 7 February 2023, agreed to the continuation of the Stronger Communities Fund for the 2023/24 financial year as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) 2023/24. It was noted that the fund enabled Councillors to use an allocated amount of money to deliver the objectives of building stronger communities. Each Councillor had been allocated £1,000 with the aim of supporting individuals and groups to enhance access to opportunities to improve health and well-being outcomes, and/or invest in environmental improvements that enhance the local area to the benefit of the local community.


The submitted report set out the spend against the £50,000, to date, together with information on what has been delivered in wards on an individual Councillor basis.  It was noted that all of the funding must be given to the grant recipient by 31 March 2024, and that some Members had not, as yet, allocated any funding. 


Discussion ensued on the merits of the Fund and how best that the scheme could be utilised to ensure that it provided the greatest impact for residents, with Members exploring options around the allocation of one central fund compared to the existing format where each Councillor was allocated a grant of £1,000 to support individuals and groups, or enhance local areas to the benefit of the local community.   


RESOLVED – (a) That the current spend against the £50,000 be noted; and


(b) That the Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee be advised that the view of this Committee is that the scheme should continue in the 2024/25 financial year, in its current format, with an understanding and acknowledgement that the funding for the scheme may be reduced pro rata.  

Supporting documents: