Agenda item

Housing Services Vulnerability Policy

Report of the Group Director of Operations.


The Cabinet Member with the Health and Housing Portfolio introduced the report of the Group Director of Operations (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to the Housing Services Vulnerability Policy 2024/29.


The submitted report outlined the background to the introduction of the Housing Services Vulnerability Strategy; detailed the aims of the policy, and the outcome of the consultation.


Reference was made at the meeting to the terminology used in the policy; how to publicise the policy, particularly to those that did not believe that they were vulnerable; and how the policy would impact on neighbouring tenants with different needs, should there be a dispute.  The Cabinet Member with the Health and Housing Portfolio responded thereon.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the report be noted.


(b) That the Housing Services Vulnerability Policy, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the submitted report, be approved.


REASONS – (a)  The Housing Services Vulnerability Policy ensures the Council has a clear approach to supporting its tenants and taking consideration of their needs


(b) The Regulator of Social Housing’s new Consumer Standards from April 2024 places a duty on social housing landlords to:


                                       (i)      treat their tenants and prospective tenants with fairness and respect, and


                                     (ii)      take action to deliver fair and equitable outcomes for their tenants and prospective tenants.


(c) The adoption of a formal Vulnerability Policy is one of the ways to demonstrate how the Council will achieve this.?????

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