Agenda item

SUPPLEMENTARY ITEM(S) (if any) which in the opinion of the Chair of this Committee are of an urgent nature and can be discussed at this meeting - Children's Social Care in Darlington - Ensuring Placement Sufficiency and Enabling Creative Alternatives

Report of the Assistant Director, Children’s Services


REASON FOR URGENCY: To enable the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee to be consulted on the Placement Sufficiency proposals which will progress to Council within the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) process.


The Assistant Director, Children’s Services, submitted a report (previously circulated) to enable Members to consider a series of proposals to reduce dependence on costly external placements and to support and improve placement sufficiency for children and young people in Darlington.


The submitted report referenced a report that had been submitted to Cabinet on 5 December 2023, and invited Members to comment on, and note, the proposals.


Members entered into discussion on the improved fostering offer, and the expansion of the Cedars to a seven days per week offer.


RESOLVED – That the Children and Young People Scrutiny Committee note and welcome the Placement Sufficiency proposals, which will progress to Council within the Medium Term Financial Plan (MTFP) process.   

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