Agenda item

To consider a Motion submitted by Councillor Durham and seconded by Councillor Bartch

Constitutional Amendment




1.      This Council has often found itself debating issues which it has no operational responsibility for, or influence over, most recently, in respect of the conflict in the Middle East.


2.      As Councillors, we are elected to represent residents within the Borough on matters which this Council has control over, we are not elected to protest, champion a cause or political ideology.


3.      The lack of focus hasn’t gone unnoticed by residents, who, quite rightly, expect those they elect to focus on Darlington and nothing else.


4.      This very simple Motion provides residents with comfort that is all we are focused on and I hope all Members see no need for a prolonged debate on this and support this Motion.


Proposed Motion


This Council resolves to amend paragraph 22 of Council Procedure Rules, contained within this Council’s Constitution to include:-


‘Any motion submitted to the Council shall be about matters for which the Council has statutory powers, duties or functions or address the built or natural environment of the Borough of Darlington or address a matter of local, regional or national policy that affects the lives of people in the Borough of Darlington. The ruling of the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Mayor shall be final as to the relevance of the motion.’


(NOTE – If the Motion is approved, paragraph 22 will subsequently read :-


A Motion given on notice, must be given in writing to the Assistant Director Law and Governance, at least seven clear working days (that is not counting the day of the meeting or the day of delivery) before the relevant meeting and be signed by the Member(s) giving the notice.  Any Motion submitted to the council shall be about matters for which the Council has statutory powers, duties or functions or address the built or natural environment of the Borough of Darlington or address a matter of local, regional or national policy that affects the lives of people in the Borough of Darlington. The ruling of the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Mayor shall be final as to the relevance of the Motion.)


The following Motion was moved by Councillor Durham, and seconded by Councillor Bartch:


Constitutional Amendment




1. This Council has often found itself debating issues which it has no operational

responsibility for, or influence over, most recently, in respect of the conflict in

the Middle East.


2. As Councillors, we are elected to represent residents within the Borough on

matters which this Council has control over, we are not elected to protest,

champion a cause or political ideology.


3. The lack of focus hasn’t gone unnoticed by residents, who, quite rightly, expect

those they elect to focus on Darlington and nothing else.


4. This very simple Motion provides residents with comfort that is all we are

focused on and I hope all Members see no need for a prolonged debate on this

and support this Motion.


Proposed Motion


This Council resolves to amend paragraph 22 of Council Procedure Rules,

contained within this Council’s Constitution to include:-


‘Any motion submitted to the Council shall be about matters for which the

Council has statutory powers, duties or functions or address the built or

natural environment of the Borough of Darlington or address a matter of local,

regional or national policy that affects the lives of people in the Borough of

Darlington. The ruling of the Monitoring Officer in consultation with the Mayor

shall be final as to the relevance of the motion.’


The Motion was Lost.