Report of the Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion
The Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion, submitted a report (previously circulated) which provided Members an update on the current arrangements for the Council’s Home to Transport Policy and outlined the changes made in recent statutory guidance.
The submitted report highlighted that Darlington Borough Council has a statutory duty to provide free home to school transport in certain circumstances.
Discussion ensued on the different budgets involved in the provision of the service and the sharing of information on the recent changes with appropriate staff. Members were also keen to understand how information regarding the policy and the recent changes was communicated to parents.
Members raised questions in relation to the number of children that transport was provided for, the average cost per pupil, and whether any checks were undertaken to ascertain whether parents had the wherewithal to transport their own children accordingly. The transport provision for those receiving specialist provision elsewhere was analysed, with Members questioning whether it might be more efficient to provide the specialist provision within the Borough.
Members also requested greater clarity around the timetable, consultation and decision-making in relation to the policy, and expressed a desire for the policy to come back to Scrutiny prior to the final decision being made.
RESOLVED – (a) That the Scrutiny Committee note the arrangements current in place.
(b) That the Scrutiny Committee note the changes to the statutory guidance relating to home to school transport.
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