Agenda item

Childcare Sufficiency Review 2023-24

Report of the Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion


The Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion submitted a report (previously circulated) to inform members of the findings of the 2023-24 Childcare Sufficiency Review.


The submitted report set out the Department for Education’s Early Education and Childcare Statutory Guidance for Local Authorities that they require the Local Authority to secure sufficient childcare. Local Authorities should report annually to elected council members on how they are meeting their duty.


The report highlighted how the Darlington Childcare Market is made up of private day nurseries, pre-schools, childminders out of school clubs, nursery schools and nursery units and that since the Pandemic it has made the Childcare Market more complex and less predictable and that in the autumn term of 2023 the early years entitlement has declined.


The submitted report has demonstrated that there is sufficient overall capacity demand throughout the period of review. It still will be continually monitored to ensure parents are able to access training and work in the coming months/years.


Members entered into discussion on the limitations to provision, and whether any limitations were related to infrastructure, resources or staffing. Members were keen to hear the feedback received from providers in relation to the National Childcare Expansion Programme, and the Committee were pleased to note that providers appreciated the Council’s early action and surety around funding, and that there was no sense of undue alarm in relation to April’s phased changes, however Members heard that there was not the same confidence in relation to future tranches of the programme. 


Discussion ensued on the potential for expansion of the Council’s own maintained nurseries, and the funding streams available to meet the cost of any future expansion. Members further explored the additional demands around recruitment, which included additional Government funding and the piloting of a retention and recruitment scheme, which included a bursary scheme with an incentive payment for those qualifying or returning to the sector. Members were keen to understand any contingency arrangements should childcare provided by extended family, such as grandparents, reduce. 


RESOLVED – That the findings of the 2023-24 Childcare Sufficiency Review be noted.   

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