Agenda item

Council Plan Performance 2020/23: Quarter Four Performance Report

Report of the Chief Officers Executive.



The Leader introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Officers Executive presenting an overview of performance (also previously circulated) against the Council Plan 2020/23, to the end of the last two quarters of the financial year 2023/24.


The submitted report stated that this was the last report linked to the Council Plan 2020/23; a new Council Plan for the period 2024/27 would be considered by Council in July 2024; and stated that the Council Plan outlined the long-term ambitions for Darlington and priorities for the Council, with a focus on addressing inequalities, climate change and efficient use of resources.


RESOLVED – That the progress made against performance measures, as set out in the performance management report appended to the submitted report, be noted.


REASON - To update Cabinet on the progress in implementing the priorities outlined in the Council Plan 2020/23.

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