Agenda item

Chief Executive's Appraisal

Report of the Assistant Director, Resources



The Assistant Director, Resources, submitted a report (previously circulated) which invited Members to endorse the recommendation of the Appraisal Sub-Group in respect of the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal.


The submitted report stated that the Appraisal Sub-Group had met on Wednesday, 6 March 2024, and had given consideration to the Chief Executive’s Performance Appraisal in accordance with the previously agreed process. It was noted that this was the third appraisal for the Chief Executive, and that he presented a statement reviewing the priorities he had been working on since the last appraisal in December 2022.


RESOLVED – That it be noted that the Appraisal Sub-Group had met to consider the Chief Executive’s Appraisal for 2023/24, and that it was agreed that the Chief Executive would focus on the following key themes for the year ahead, namely :-


(i)          the budget position and financial challenges,

(ii)         implementation of the Council Plan,

(iii)        explore further partnering opportunities with organisations,

(iv)        continue to promote and deliver economic growth opportunities,

(v)         further develop the Council’s culture, performance and staffing.


REASON - To enable the appraisal to be confirmed.

Supporting documents: