Agenda item

Public Consultation on Draft Appraisal Proposing the Designation of a new Middleton St George Conservation Area

Report of the Chief Executive.


The Cabinet Member with the Economy Portfolio introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Executive requesting that consideration be given to commencing a public consultation exercise on a draft appraisal (also previously circulated) proposing the designation of a new Middleton St George Conservation Area.


The submitted report outlined the background to the establishment of a conservation area; the definition of a conservation area; stated that much of the special interest in Middleton St George comprised structures and associations linked to the birth / early days of the Stockton and Darlington Railway (S&DR), which was of international significance, being the world’s first public railway; general interest in the railway heritage had increased as a result of the 2025 bicentennial celebrations; and provided justification for the completion of an appraisal for Middleton St George including proposals to designate conservation area boundaries.


Particular references were made to assessment process; the public consultation process; financial, legal and climate change implications; and Estates and Property Advice.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the public consultation on the draft appraisal for Middleton St George, as appended atAppendix 1 to the submitted report, be authorised.


(b)  That the draft document be publicised for a period of at least six weeks, to allow members of the public and other stakeholders sufficient time to submit comments.


(c)  That the draft document be amended and finalised in the light of comments received during the public consultation period.


(d)  That a finalised appraisal be submitted to Cabinet for adoption and designation of conservation area boundaries.


REASONS – (a) Middleton St George includes non-designated heritage assets of international significance due to structures and associations directly linked to the birth/early years of the Stockton & Darlington Railway (S&DR) of 1825.


(b)  The bicentennial of the S&DR is next year.  There will be many events in Darlington and elsewhere to celebrate the birth of the modern railway.  The Council is currently making significant investments in preparation for the 2025 celebrations.


(c)  In the run-up to 2025, heritage assets at Middleton St George have been promoted through the neighbourhood plan, S&DR Heritage Action Zone and Fighting Cocks Heritage Hub.


(d)  The draft appraisal picks up the ‘unfinished’ work carried out recently by Durham County Council who proposed a conservation area boundary for Middleton St George in 2022.


(e)  The draft appraisal provides a detailed record and analysis of Middleton St George and its wider surroundings which will be of interest to the public and other stakeholders, as well as some of the Council’s staff (e.g. planning officers).  It draws attention to locally important heritage assets to further public understanding and inform decision making.


(f)  The proposed conservation area boundaries not only relate directly to the S&DR but also to other early development of the village, which used to be very industrialised due to the railway links.


(g)  The draft appraisal also includes suggestions to improve the condition of the area. These are in line with the aims of the Middleton St George Neighbourhood Plan and the Fighting Cocks Heritage Hub.


Supporting documents: