Agenda item

Adult Social Care during the Covid Pandemic Task and Finish Review - Final Report

Report of the Assistant Director, Adult Services


The Assistant Director, Adult Services, submitted a report (previously circulated) which presented the final report of the Review of Adult Social Care during the Covid Pandemic Task and Finish Group, which had been established by this Scrutiny Committee on 20 April 2021.


The submitted report stated that, at a meeting of this Committee on 20 April 2021, Members had given consideration to a Quad of Aims submitted by Councillor Holroyd, and approved the establishment of a Task and Finish Group to ascertain how Adult Social Care services had coped during the Covid pandemic; how service users and their families felt about the services provided; and identify any changes needed in relation to future waves of coronavirus and associated restrictions or lockdowns, or any other future disease outbreak response. The final report of the Task and Finish Group was appended to the submitted report, alongside the notes of the meetings of the Task and Finish Group.


Councillor Holroyd attended this meeting of the Scrutiny Committee, and provided a presentation which outlined the work of the Task and Finish Group, highlighting the methodology of the work undertaken, a summary of the findings, and the recommendations of the Group.


RESOLVED – That the work undertaken by the Review of Adult Social Care during the Covid Pandemic Task and Finish Group be recognised and endorsed.  

Supporting documents: