Report of the Chief Officers Executive
The Chief Officers Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to introduce the draft Council Plan to Members of this Scrutiny Committee and sought comments from Members.
The submitted report stated that the Council Plan outlined the long-term ambitions for Darlington and the priorities the Council sought to deliver over the forthcoming three years (2024-2027). It was highlighted that the Plan gave strategic direction to the Council, defined priorities and shaped delivery, whilst providing clarity to residents, businesses and stakeholders on the Council’s values, what the Council identified as important and what the Council would do.
It was reported that the public consultation on the draft Plan was open and ran from 6 March 2024 to 25 April 2024, and that the Council was seeking views from residents, businesses, charities and key stakeholders. The submitted report stated that it was intended that the finalised Plan would be submitted to Cabinet and Council in May for approval and adoption. In introducing the report, the Portfolio Holder for Children and Young People outlined the key aims for the ‘Children and Young People’ priority within the Plan.
Discussion ensued on the scope of the consultation and the stakeholders whom the Council had engaged with; the proposed expansion of in-house placements; the performance measures by which the success of the Plan would be assessed; and the sense that the eight key aims focused on the correct areas.
RESOLVED – That the draft Council Plan 2024-27 be noted.
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