Report of the Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion
The Assistant Director, Education and Inclusion, submitted a report (previously circulated) which summarised the current and future guidance from the Department for Education on relationships and sex education.
The submitted report provided an overview of the statutory guidance which related to relationships and sex education that schools were obliged to implement, and also covered the recently issued draft non-statutory guidance that related to gender questioning children.
Members entered into discussion on the work being done to establish what is being delivered in schools, however it was highlighted that subject delivery was a matter for schools themselves, who were required to follow the National Curriculum and national guidance which is inspected by OFSTED and not a matter for the local authority. It was clarified that, should anyone have questions relating to the delivery of the National Curriculum, these should be addressed to the academy or school in the first instance.
Discussion ensued on the national consultation on the recently issued draft non-statutory guidance that related to gender questioning children published by the Government, and the response submitted by the Association of Directors of Children’s Services. Questions were raised in relation to the content of the Relationships, Sex and Health Education (RSHE) training offer provided to schools by the Council, however it was outlined that this was an offer, and not mandatory.
Particular focus was made to transgender policies within schools, and whether the Council had a role in developing such policies, and it was clarified that it was a matter for schools to develop their own policies, with a recognition that many policies may appear very similar in content. Concerns were expressed with regard to the NHS signposting children and young people to Kooth in relation to gender identity. Members were informed that this would be a matter for the NHS, however Officers were not aware of any concerns.
RESOLVED – That the arrangements currently in place, and the proposed changes to non-statutory guidance, be noted.
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