Agenda item

Council Plan 2024 - 2027

Report of the Chief Officers Executive


The Strategy and Policy Manager and the portfolio holder for Health and Housing presented the Council Plan 2024-2027 and its intent to provide strategic direction to the Council - and council services - defining core values, priorities and shaping delivery in the coming years with public consultation on the draft plan being open until 25 April 2024.


Members were informed that the core values outlined in the document, if met in decision making, will ensure positive progress towards overall goals and from which strategies will be produced such as the New Homes Strategy and Health and Wellbeing Plan.


Discussion was held with regards to the presentation of the document with a member expressing that they feel a more effective layout would be to present the core values within the first pages for increased visibility particularly to the public who view the document.  A further member noted that they welcome the plan’s focus on inequalities with Housing’s emphasis being to provide quality housing together with an effective homelessness strategy.


RESOLVED – Members noted the content of the report and Council Plan and were encouraged to share the plan with their networks and to complete the survey before 25 April 2024.


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