Agenda item

Housing Services Asset Management Strategy

Report of the Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues


The Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues presented the report that sets out how Housing Services will ensure the efficient and effective management of our homes, as a core requirement of meeting our landlord services function.  Members were informed that the Tenants’ Panel has been consulted on the draft policy and they have given their full support to the proposals and key aims of the strategy.  It was also highlighted that a review of the strategy will be organised once new decent homes standards are released.


A member raised discussion that it would be beneficial to potential tenants if they were provided with a breakdown of predicted bill costs when considering their choice of housing.  Officers took this on board and informed members that a stock condition survey will be carried out on all council properties that will also include validation of energy efficiency certificates.


RESOLVED - Members considered the report and support its onward submission to Cabinet.

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