Agenda item

Housing Services Vulnerability Policy

Report of the Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues


The Assistant Director – Housing and Revenues presented the Housing Services Vulnerability Policy which ensures that we meet the diverse needs of our tenants, through the need to provide adaptable services, which takes our tenants, and their household’s needs into account, whilst ensuring we meet regulatory and legal requirements.  The report sets out our aims, including how we will record any of our tenant’s vulnerabilities on Council systems and how we will use this information in the way we provide our services, the decisions we make and how we refer to other statutory and external organisations.  The Tenants’ Panel has been consulted on the draft policy and have given their full support.


Members were in agreement that it is useful to be aware of tenants’ vulnerabilities and to provide appropriate responses to this.  A discussion was held regarding the varying degrees of vulnerability with the suggestion that checks be performed at regular intervals to ensure that information remains correct in cases of temporary vulnerability.  Officers confirmed that new residents are asked if any vulnerabilities are present, and checks are carried out on a 6-monthly basis for any changes in status.


RESOLVED - Members considered the report and support its onward submission to Cabinet.

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