Agenda item

Notification of Appeals


The Chief Executive will report that: -


(a)    Mr Ryan Beaumont has appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the erection of a single storey rear extension, dormer window to rear elevation, cycle storage area and erection of boundary wall 2372mm in height with external doors into back lane (part retrospective) description amended by plans and updated planning statement received 08/02/2024) (as amended by plans received 26/01/2024 and 02/02/2024) at 93 Pensbury Street, Darlington, DL1 5LJ (23/00100/FUL).

(b)   Hazelfield Lodge Ltd have appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for Change of use of agricultural land for tourist accommodation including the siting of 3 No. holiday lodges and 3 No. hot tub enclosures with car parking, associated landscaping and gravel pathways including the creation of secondary access.  Conversion of store room to form kitchen/office and garage together with landscaping and associated works (Retrospective Application) (amended plans/information received 5th October 2023) at Land to rear of Hazelfield Cottage, Elstob Lane, Great Stainton, TS21 1HP (23/00588/FUL).


RECOMMENDED – That the reports be received.



The Chief Executive reported that:


(a)    Mr Ryan Beaumont had appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for the erection of a single storey rear extension, dormer window to rear elevation, cycle storage area and erection of boundary wall 2372mm in height with external doors into back lane (part retrospective) description amended by plans and updated planning statement received 08/02/2024) (as amended by plans received 26/01/2024 and 02/02/2024) at 93 Pensbury Street, Darlington, DL1 5LJ (23/00100/FUL).


(b)   Hazelfield Lodge Ltd had appealed against this Authority’s decision to refuse permission for Change of use of agricultural land for tourist accommodation including the siting of 3 No. holiday lodges and 3 No. hot tub enclosures with car parking, associated landscaping and gravel pathways including the creation of secondary access. Conversion of store room to form kitchen/office and garage together with landscaping and associated works (Retrospective Application) (amended plans/information received 5th October 2023) at Land to rear of Hazelfield Cottage, Elstob Lane, Great Stainton, TS21 1HP (23/00588/FUL).


RESOLVED – That the report be received.