Agenda item

Productivity Plan

Report of the Group Director of Operations.


The Leader of the Council introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Group Director of Operations presenting the 2024/25 Productivity Plan for Member oversight and endorsement prior to submission to the Government on the 19 July 2024.


The submitted report outlined the background to the production of the Productivity Plan which was part of the 2024/25 Local Government Finance Settlement whereby all Councils were required to produce a productivity plan.


It was reported that the Minister for Local Government, wrote to Council Chief Executives outlining what the plans should include, noting that Local Government had already done a huge amount in recent years to improve productivity and efficiency and stated that the plans would help the Government understand what was working well across the country; what the common themes were; whether there were any gaps; and what more the government could do to unlock future opportunities.


A Member made particular reference to the money lost through failed bids for funding; the Medium Term Financial Plan; the cost to the Council of underfunding; and to the fact that the under-funding did not allow the Council to undertake is role properly.  The Leader of the Council responded thereon.


RESOLVED – (a)  That the Productivity Plan, as appended to the submitted report, be endorsed.


(b)  That the plan be uploaded onto the council’s website.


REASON - To fulfil the Department for Levelling up Housing and Communities requirements.

Supporting documents: