Agenda item

Darlington Council Plan 2024-2027

Report of the Chief Officers Executive


The Chief Officer’s Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to present the outcome of the public consultation and a revised Council Plan for approval.


The submitted report stated that on 5 March 2024, Cabinet agreed to a public consultation on a draft Council Plan, and that the consultation ran from 6 March to 25 April 2024. It was highlighted that social media promotion reached over 20,000 people, an article on the consultation was included in the One Darlington magazine, Members were encouraged to promote the consultation within their wards, and all five scrutiny committees had considered and supported the draft Council Plan.


Members were informed that 315 responses to the survey were received, and a summary report of the survey analysis was appended to the submitted report. A number of changes to the initial draft plan were outlined in the submitted report.


The submitted report stated that the draft plan was presented to Cabinet on 16 July 2024, and the Council Plan was recommended for referral to Council for consideration and adoption.


RESOLVED – (a) That the consultation be noted.


(b)   That the revised Council Plan 2024-27 be approved.


REASONS - The Council Plan is the strategic document that sets out the Council’s long term ambitions for Darlington and shorter-term priorities and actions. Approval of the plan is needed to provide guidance to the organisation, and clarity for the public and our partners on the Council’s strategic priorities.

Supporting documents: