Report of the Partnerships Director.
The Partnerships Director submitted a report (previously circulated) advising Members of the outcome of the annual review of significant partnerships, and to enable the Committee to ensure that adequate governance arrangements were in place.
It was reported that the Partnership toolkit had been adopted by Cabinet in March 2007 and provided a means to record that the performance of each partnership was monitored and that good governance arrangements were in place.
The submitted report outlined the criteria for a partnership to be classed as significant, together with those partnerships in Darlington which were currently classed as significant and the process involved in assessing their achievements against their objectives and in identifying any areas for improvement or risk. A brief overview of each of the background to each of the partnerships and their roles was given at the meeting.
Members clarified the roles of the Stronger Communities Board and the Voluntary Community Sector Engagement Group, and determined whether the Partnership toolkit remained fit for purpose
RESOLVED – That the review of significant partnerships be endorsed and that the actions taken to address outstanding issues be noted.
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