Report of the Group Director of Operations.
The Group Director of Operations submitted a report (previously circulated) to present the proposed Taxation Strategy for the Council.
The report included how the Tax Strategy sets out the overall framework for the Council’s management of its tax affairs. The Finance Act 2016 Schedule 19 sets out what should be included in a Tax Strategy, the report explains that the Council is not required to publish a Tax Strategy however it is good practice to do so and demonstrates the Council’s commitment.
The report also included the key components of the Tax Strategy these included The Council’s approach to risk management and governance arrangements in relation to taxation, The Council’s attitude towards tax planning, The level of risk in relation to taxation that the Council is prepared to accept, and the Council’s approach towards its dealings with His Majesty’s Revenues and Customs (HMRC).
RESOLVED – That the proposed Tax Strategy be noted.
Supporting documents: