Agenda item

Council Plan 2024/27 Performance Reporting Update

Report of the Chief Officers Executive.


The Leader of the Council introduced the report (previously circulated) of the Chief Officers Executive outlining the performance of the new Council Plan 2024/27, summarising progress against the key commitments and deliverables in the plan. 


The submitted report stated that Council Plan had been approved by Council on 18 July 2024; outlined the Council’s long-term ambitions for Darlington and priorities for action over the next three years; and stated that the Plan gave strategic direction to the Council and council services, defining priorities, identifying key actions and shaping delivery.


Reference was made to the fundamental link between health, wellbeing and the economy; the six priorities of economy, homes, living well, children and young people, communities and the local environment; and to the three core principles which shaped the delivery of the plan of addressing inequalities, tackling climate change and efficient and effective use of resources.


The Cabinet Member with the Children and Young People Portfolio addressed the meeting and stated that there had been a strong start in meeting the challenges faced by the Council but there was a lot more work to be done and made particular reference to a number of areas including the number of ‘looked after’ children; the strong performance in relation to foster carers; and the ‘good’ Ofsted rating.


RESOLVED - That the progress made in the delivery of the Council Plan, as detailed in the submitted report, be noted and the report be approved.


REASON - The report and appendix provide a summary of key actions undertaken by the Council, highlight key issues and progress.

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