Report of the Chief Executive
The Chief Executive submitted a report (previously circulated) to update Council on progress towards the Council’s net zero target.
The submitted report stated that following the Local Government elections in 2023, the Climate Emergency Declaration was re-affirmed, and the Council’s carbon neutral target was brought forward to 2040. It was also noted that further aims to increase engagement with residents and businesses were included with the intention of reducing wider borough emissions.
It was reported that the Council’s emission reduction trajectory had been amended to 40% reduction every five years, and that the Council emissions for 2023/24 were 6,190 tonnes/CO2. It was clarified that the emissions the Council report on are made up of the energy use in council buildings, business mileage, fleet emissions and streetlighting and signs, however that the Council did not currently measure emissions from its supply chain or from waste. It was stated that the Council’s carbon emissions for 2023/24 had reduced by almost 53% compared to its baseline emissions of 2010/11.
The submitted report stated that, of the 109 actions reporting at the end of 2023/24, 91 are on track and five have been completed.
RESOLVED – That the content of the report be noted.
REASON – Due to the increasing public pressure to act on climate change, the Council runs the risk of significant damage to its reputation if it does not deliver on its stated commitment to dealing with the Council’s contribution to climate change.
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