Report of the Group Director of Operations
The Group Director of Operations submitted a report (previously circulated) to advise Council of the outcome of a review of the political balance of the Authority resulting from a change to the membership of a political group.
The submitted report stated that since the last review of the political balance of the Council in July 2024, there had been a change to the political make-up of the Council, following Councillor Coe’s resignation from the Liberal Democrat Group to sit as an Independent Member. It was highlighted that political groups are allocated seats on the committees in accordance with political balance rules, which were outlined within the submitted report.
Members were advised that as a result of the change to the political balance, the Council was required to review the allocation of seats to political groups.
RESOLVED – (a) That the change to the political balance of the Council be noted.
(b) That the re-allocation of three additional seats to Independent Members be agreed, as follows:
(i) One seat on the Communities and Local Services Scrutiny Committee (Councillor Coe) (with a reduction of one seat on this Committee from the Liberal Democrats Group).
(ii) One seat on the Economy and Resources Scrutiny Committee (Councillor Coe) (with a reduction of one seat on this Committee from the Liberal Democrats Group).
(iii) One seat on the Climate Change Working Group (with a reduction of one seat on this Committee from the Liberal Democrats Group).
REASON - To reflect the changed political balance of the Council and to comply with legislation.
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