Agenda item

Notification of Decision on Appeals


The Chief Executive will report that the Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment have: -


(a)    Dismissed the appeal by Mrs L Brunton against this authority’s decision to refuse permission for consent to undertake work to a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order at Garden Cottage, Low Middleton, Middleton St George, Darlington, DL2 1AX (Ref No 22/00575/TF) (copy of Inspector’s decision enclosed).


RECOMMENDED – That the report be received.



The Chief Executive reported that the Inspectors appointed by the Secretary of State for the Environment had:


(a)    Dismissed the appeal by Mrs L Brunton against this authority’s decision to refuse permission for consent to undertake work to a tree protected by a Tree Preservation Order at Garden Cottage, Low Middleton, Middleton St George, Darlington, DL2 1AX (Ref No 22/00575/TF).


RESOLVED – That the report be received.

Supporting documents: