24/00747/RM1 -Application for reserved matters approval relating to appearance, landscaping, layout and scale for the erection of 475 No. dwellings attached to outline permission 17/00632/OUTE dated 28 May 2024 (Outline planning application for the erection of up to 535 Dwellings, landscaping, ancillary works and wider highway mitigation measures with all matters reserved except access) (additional plans and reports received 3 September 2024; amended plans received 16 October 2024).
(In making its decision, the Committee took into consideration the Planning Officer’s report (previously circulated), the views of the Council’s Public Right’s of Way Officer, Climate Change Officer, Arboricultural Team Leader, Environmental Health Officer, Lead Local Flood Authority Officer, Transport Policy Manager and Play Area Manager, Northern Gas Networks, National Highways, the Air Traffic Engineering Manager for Teesside Airport, the Council’s Highways Engineer and Ecology Officer, two comments and five letters of objection received, the objections of Low Coniscliffe and Merrybent Parish Council, and the views of the Applicant’s Agent, two Objectors and a Borough Councillor, whom the Committee heard).
RESOLVED – That Reserved Matter Approval be granted subject to the following Planning conditions:
1. The development hereby permitted shall be carried out in accordance with the approved plans, as detailed below:
a) Drawing Number 4061/1 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
b) Drawing Number 4061/2 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
c) Drawing Number 4061/3 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
d) Drawing Number 4061/4 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
e) Drawing Number 4061/5 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
f) Drawing Number 4061/6 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
g) Drawing Number 4061/7 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
h) Drawing Number 4061/8 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
i) Drawing Number 4061/9 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
j) Drawing Number 4061/10 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
k) Drawing Number 4061/11 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
l) Drawing Number 4061/12 Rev D Detailed Landscape Proposals
m) Drawing Number 4061/13 Rev A Composite Plan
n) Drawing Number PL02 Rev H Proposed Site Layout
o) Drawing Number PL02 Rev E Boundary Treatment Plan
p) Drawing Number PL04 Rev C Surface Treatment Layout
q) Drawing Number PL05 Rev C Material Layout
r) Drawing Number PL06 Rev G Coloured Plot Layout
s) Drawing Number PL07 Rev B Phasing Plan
t) Drawing Number PL08 Rev C EV Charging Points Plan
u) Drawing Number EMT41/2021/PL2 Rev C Plumdale Plans
v) Drawing Number EMT41/2021/PL3 Rev C Plumdale Elevations
w) Drawing Number EMT41/2021/PL3 Rev C Plumdale Elevations (Render)
x) Drawing Number PL11 Detached Garage Plans and Elevations
y) Drawing Number PL12 Detached Double Shared Garage Plans and Elevations
z) Drawing Number PL13 Boundary Treatment Details
aa)Drawing Number SS01 Rev B Example Street Scenes
bb)Drawing Number EMA22/2021/PL2 Rev C Beaford Plans
cc)Drawing Number EMA22/2021/PL3 Rev B Beaford Elevations
dd)Drawing Number EMA32/2021/PL2 Rev C Brambleford Plans
ee)Drawing Number EMA32/2021/PL3 Rev C Brambleford Elevations
ff) Drawing Number EMA43/2021/PL2 Rev C Colford Plans
gg)Drawing Number EMA43/2021/PL3 Rev C Colford Elevations
hh)Drawing Number EMA43/2021/PL3 Rev C Colford Elevations (Render)
ii) Drawing Number EMA46/2021/PL2 Rev D Rightford Plans
jj) Drawing Number EMA46/2021/PL3 Rev D Rightford Elevations
kk)Drawing Number EMA46/2021/PL3 Rev D Rightford Elevations (Render)
ll) Drawing Number EMA47/2021/PL2 Rev D Shilford Plans
mm)Drawing Number EMA47/2021/PL3 Rev D Shilford Elevations
nn)Drawing Number EMA47/2021/PL3 Rev D Shilford Elevations (Render)
oo)Drawing Number EMAP11/12/2021/PL2 Rev B Allstead/Bamstead Plans
pp)Drawing Number EMAP11/12/2021/PL3 Rev A Allstead/Bamstead Elevations
qq)Drawing Number EMAP41/2021/PL2 Rev B Witherstead Plans
rr) Drawing Number EMAP41/2021/PL3 Rev B Witherstead Plans Elevations
ss) Drawing Number EMAW32/2021/PL2 Inglethwaite Plans
tt) Drawing Number EMAW32/2021/PL3 Inglethwaite Elevations
uu)Drawing Number EMG31/2021/PL2 Rev C Byrneham Plans
vv)Drawing Number EMG31/2021/PL3 Rev C Byrneham Elevations
ww)Drawing Number EMG31/2021/PL3 Rev C Byrneham Elevations (Render)
xx)Drawing Number EMG43/2021/PL2 Rev C Hubham Plans
yy)Drawing Number EMG43/2021/PL3 Rev C Hubham Elevations
zz) Drawing Number EMG43/2021/PL3 Rev C Hubham Elevations (Render)
aaa)Drawing Number EMG44/2021/PL2 Rev C Kitham Plans
bbb)Drawing Number EMG44/2021/PL3 Rev C Kitham Elevations
ccc)Drawing Number EMG44/2021/PL3 Rev C Kitham Elevations (Render)
ddd)Drawing Number EMT31/2021/PL2 Rev C Aynesdale Plans
eee)Drawing Number EMT31/2021/PL3 Rev C Aynesdale Elevations
fff)Drawing Number GTC 3 SS 0012 R2 2 Close Coupled SubStation
REASON – To ensure the development is carried out in accordance with the planning permission.
2. Prior to the first occupation of the development, precise details of the walled entrance feature shall be submitted to and agreed in writing by the Local Planning Authority. The development shall not be carried out otherwise than in complete accordance with the agreed details. The entrance feature shall be constructed prior to the completion of the development and shall be retained for the lifetime of the development.
REASON – In the interests of the visual appearance of the development.
3. Prior to the commencement of Development, a revised plan showing improved landscaping around the SUDS ponds and the pumping station shall be submitted to and approved by the LPA. The development shall thereafter be carried out in accordance with these details.
REASON - In the interests of visual amenity of the area.
Supporting documents: