Agenda item

Year-End Sickness Absence 2017/18

Report of Managing Director


The Managing Director submitted a report (previously circulated) updating Members on the outturn sickness absence figures for 2017/18.

It was reported that the absence figure for 2017/18 was 9.22 days per full-time equivalent (FTE), a reduction of 0.5 days from the last year and 0.32 days over the target of 8.9 days, with stress continuing to be the highest reason for absence and the highest absence levels being within Adults Services, although, since April 2018, this had started to show a continual reduction.


The Assistant Director Resources reported that the overall attendance rate was 95.8 per cent, with 45.4 per cent of staff having no sickness absence during the period.


It was reported that absence levels were generally higher during the quarter 3 reporting period and discussion ensued on the possible reasons for that.  It was suggested that further analysis could be undertaken to ensure that targeted action plans could be put in place in particular areas if needed and, as planned hospital operations were higher during that period, whether the Health and Partnerships Scrutiny Committee could look at the reasons for that. 

The submitted report also outlined the health and well-being interventions which had been introduced and the need to continue with those initiatives to try to reduce absence rates and discussion ensued on the difficulties in evidencing the effectiveness of those interventions over a short period of time and the need to continue to create a culture, within the organisation, where wellbeing, mental health and healthy lifestyles was openly discussed, promoted and supported, linked to strategies and policies.

Discussion ensued on the comparative figures with other local authorities and whether Members should be more closely scrutinising the implementation of the sickness absence policy within the Council to ensure that it was working and that a consistent approach was being operated, however, Scrutiny were reassured that, at this stage, the policy and interventions were working.


RESOLVED – That the report be received.

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