Report of Managing Director
The Managing Director submitted
a report (previously circulated) together with the Quarter 2
revenue budget outturn report (also previously circulated) which
had been considered by Cabinet at its meeting held on 6 November
It was reported that the Council’s projected
revenue reserves at the end of 2018/19were £16.606 million,
£1.116 million more than the initial 2018-22 MTFP position
and included a brought forward amount of £0.530 million from
2017/18, a rebasing exercise of £0.425 million, with the
departmental/corporate resources forecast to be £0.0161
million better off.
Particular reference was made to the overspend of £0.432 million in Children’s Services, which was mainly due to increased costs in relation to the adoption and placement budget and school transport and which was being offset by an underspend on the financing costs budget of £0.591 million.
Discussion ensued on some
specific variances within Departmental budget headings and the
Finance Manager gave an explanation as to the possible reasons for
those variances. Members questioned
whether the Scrutiny Committee should be supplied with more
detailed information in respect of those larger variances in
budgets, in addition to the narrative given in the covering report,
however, were reassured by the explanation of the processes
involved in budget monitoring and management by Officers.
Particular reference was made to the current position in
relation to the pay award, an underspend in relation to the Dolphin
Centre which it was requested be carried forward into the next
financial year, the costs associated with the legal fees in
relation to the airport, the source of income into the
DLO highways budget; new build housing
costs and the need to ensure that any savings across departmental
budgets in relation to staffing costs were balanced against any
possible impact on service delivery.
Members also requested that
further information in relation to the current position of the
joint venture between the Council and Esh Homes be submitted to a
future meeting of this Scrutiny Committee.
RESOLVED – That the report be
Supporting documents: