Report of Head of Education and Inclusions, Children, Families and Learning
The Head of Education and Inclusions, Children, Families and Learning submitted a report (previously circulated) requesting that consideration be given to a recommendation on an application which had been received to fill a vacancy of an LA Governor on a School Governing Body.
The Panel were advised that Harrowgate Hill had recently restructured its Governing Body membership and the current LA Governor had been appointed as a Co-opted Governor, resulting in a LA Governor vacancy.
At its last meeting held 12 July the Governing Body agreed to nominate an applicant and an application has been received for the vacancy. Further information on the suitability of the candidate was provided at the meeting.
Discussion ensued on the merits of the proposed candidate and the Council’s eligibility criteria for all candidates.
RESOLVED – That, subject to the Disclosure and Barring Checking process, the following appointment be made for a term of four years commencing on the date specified:
School |
Number of Vacancies |
Appointed |
Date of Appointment
Harrowgate Hill Primary School |
Governing Body Restructure
Calvin Kipling |
10 September 2018 |