Report of the Director of Economic Growth and Neighbourhood Services
The Director of Economic Growth
and Neighbourhood Services submitted a report (previously circulated) advising Members of three objections
which had been received to the making of a Tree Preservation Order
in relation to one semi mature sycamore (Acer) growing on land to
the side of 1 Sussex Way.
It was reported that the tree
was in reasonable form and condition and had a high amenity value
as it was highly visible from several viewpoints.
The submitted report outlined a summary of the objections which had
been received to the making of the Order.
Discussion ensued on the
current position in relation to pieces of unadopted land within the Borough which still
belonged to the Companies that built the original housing estates
and the Chair reported that he would ask Officers to look into the
matter further.
(NOTE - Councillor J Taylor left the table for the above item and, after
speaking, left the room, whilst the item was being
RESOLVED – That thesemi mature Sycamore Tree is in a reasonable form and condition with co-dominate stems with a slight inclusion and there appears to be no reason why the tree cannot add to the amenity value of the wider community for many years to come as it matures which justifies it protection.
Supporting documents: