Agenda item

Great Jobs Agenda


That, as this Council believes that every job should be a great job, for this Council that means workers in Darlington should be paid fairly; work in a safe and healthy workplace; be treated decently and with respect; have regular hours; have the chance to be represented by unions and be consulted on what matters at work; and get the chance to learn and progress at work and get on in life, this Council resolves to:


(i)       Support the TUC’s Great Jobs Agenda, which sets out the actions employers and the government must take for every job to be a great job.


(ii)     Ensure as an employer we continue providing great jobs for our own employees.


(iii)    Continue to value meaningful workforce engagement and representation through our recognised trade unions.


(iv)    Continue our work with employers to secure business growth that is sustainable and ethical.


(v)     Make increasing job quality a key part of the conversation when pursuing local economic development opportunities.


(vi)    Use our commissioning and procurement processes where possible to raise employment standards amongst those suppliers and providers we work with.


(vii)   Where appropriate, engage with government and other bodies who hold regulatory powers, to tackle issues which local authorities do not have statutory powers to address directly.


The following Motion was moved by Councillor C. Taylor, and seconded by Councillor McEwan:


That, as this Council believes that every job should be a great job, for this Council that means workers in Darlington should be paid fairly; work in a safe and healthy workplace; be treated decently and with respect; have regular hours; have the chance to be represented by unions and be consulted on what matters at work; and get the chance to learn and progress at work and get on in life, this Council resolves to:


(i)    Support the TUC’s Great Jobs Agenda, which sets out the actions employers and the government must take for every job to be a great job.


(ii)  Ensure as an employer we continue providing great jobs for our own employees.


(iii) Continue to value meaningful workforce engagement and representation through our recognised trade unions.


(iv) Continue our work with employers to secure business growth that is sustainable and ethical.


(v)  Make increasing job quality a key part of the conversation when pursuing local economic development opportunities.


(vi) Use our commissioning and procurement processes where possible to raise employment standards amongst those suppliers and providers we work with.


(vii)              Where appropriate, engage with government and other bodies who hold regulatory powers, to tackle issues which local authorities do not have statutory powers to address directly.


The following Amendment to the Motion was moved by Councillor Mrs. H. Scott and seconded by Councillor Galletley:


‘That the last paragraph, sub-section (vii), be deleted from the Motion, as printed.’


The Amendment was put to the meeting and lost.


In accordance with Council Procedure Rules, a request was made by five Members for a named vote on the Substantive Motion. A named vote was taken of those Members present at the meeting and there appeared:-


For the Motion – The Mayor; Councillors Baldwin, Carson, Cossins, Coultas, Crichlow, Harker, Haszeldine, Heslop, C. L. B. Hughes, L. Hughes, Kane, Knowles, Lister, Lyonette, McEwan, Newall, K. Nicholson, A. J. Scott, Storr, C. Taylor, J. Taylor and Wallis (23)


Abstentions – Councillors Crudass, Mrs. Culley, Curry, Donoghue, Galletley, Johnson, B. Jones, Mrs. D. Jones, Lawton, Lee, Marshall, Mrs. H. Scott, Tostevin and York (14)


Motion Carried.


NOTE: Councillors Mills, E. A. Richmond and S. Richmond had left the meeting when the vote was taken.