Agenda item

Ofsted Inspection Framework Consultation

Verbal update by the Head of 16-19 Learning and Skills


The Head of 16-19 Learning and Skills gave a verbal update to advised Members of the Ofsted Inspection Framework Consultation which was ongoing until the 5 April 2019.


He advised Members that the consultation had been encouraging in relation to value added and the broader curriculum and suggested that Members of this SACRE may want to consider monitoring the new inspection reports at a future date to identify specific feedback on RE.


Phil Andre, Co-opted Member advised SACRE that he had recently attended a conference in Northumberland for RE teachers and Mark Evans, Her Majesty’s Inspector (HMI) responsible for religious education insisted that inspection teams would also be looking at the delivery of RE and insuring that statutory requirements are being met in schools.


He also advised that a questionnaire had been circulated to schools in Northumberland to collate data on religious education being delivered within their schools and it was proposed that the results of this survey be circulated to our SACRE Members.


IT WAS AGREED – That the report be noted.